Lakeside Storage Park

*Call us now on
0421 21 6964


"Best Value Storage in Adelaide"

Hints & Tips to help you with your Self Storage Experience

STORAGE SPACE - Volume vs Floor Area.

It is important to consider both Volume (cubic metres) and Floor Area (square metres) when considering your storage needs.

Although the storage Volume may be similar between facilities; it is often the case where you are given a similar volume of space, but at the cost of a reduced amount of floor space. This situation can make it difficult for you when storing your goods; as you may need to pack your goods at a height of greater than 2 metres to make the most effective use of your storage space.

Floor Area most times becomes the more important factor when storing your goods.

Lakeside Storage Park offers you a considerable amount of floor space allowing you to store your goods in a more practical and easily accessible manner.

BUSINESS STORAGE - The real cost to your business.

It is interesting when you look at the real cost to business for one of our storage containers. When you take into account the GST recovery; and then take off the Tax Deduct-ability against your business income; suddenly our rates are looking very impressive and affordable to most. Not even mentioning the discounts we can apply for paying in advance. Did I mention 24/7 access to your Business Stock.

BAIT PRICING / MARKETING - It does happen.

It is important to be aware of start up discounts others may apply; as the net result for your self storage can sometimes cost significantly more over the longer term. Many of our customers have come from other facilities due to our “basic cost structure” without any hidden extras. Ask lots of questions at the facility you are considering…

"Knowledge gives you greater Confidence"

For all enquiries please call or email:

0421 21 6964